Questions (For reference)

Geography Fieldwork Task

Big Question: How has Chinatown changed due to globalisation?

In the Field:

Conduct a mapping survey along one of the streets in Chinatown. As you survey the street, you are to:

1)      Note the shops along the street

2)      Record the name of the shops along the street

3)      Using symbols and a legend, annotate the products and services provided by the shops

4)      Find out the country of origin of the products, services of each shop.

You should aim to map about 10 consecutive shops along the same side of the street.

Present your findings clearly in a piece of A4 size paper. Be sure to provide a legend for the symbols used.

Do take photos of the street you mapped for future reference.

Post- Field Trip:

You will discuss as a group on the following:

1)      Problems faced during fieldwork activity (What did you do and how did you solve the problems?)

2)      Find out how Chinatown was like in the past. That is, find out the types of products, and services provided and the country of origin of products. You can also use what you have learnt from the Chinatown Heritage Centre.

3)      Compare what you’ve researched and what you have gathered during the fieldwork activity.

4)      Discuss, using the information you have gathered, how Chinatown has changed due to globalisation.

Some questions to help:

1)      Is there any evidence of globalisation found in our fieldwork data?

2)      What would be an evidence of globalisation?

3)      Are the types of products and services found in Chinatown the same in the past and now? What is the difference?

Requirements for project:

1)      Photo(s)

2)      Urban mapping

3)      Self-reflection

4)      Group reflection (Qn 1 of Post Field Trip)

5)      Big question: (Qn 4 of Post Field Trip, you need to include elements of Qn 2,3 in your answer)

6)      No word limit (of course the more RELEVANT things you write, the better your grade will be.

7)      Acknowledgement page : Provide your link/ sources. –
URL: Copy the url+ title.        
Book: Title +author+page number


Big Question:

L1 (0 – 2 marks)

Make a stand.
Simple description of fieldwork findings.
Provided definition of globalisation.
No/ limited elaboration or examples to support stand.

L2 (3 – 5 marks)

Make a stand.
Discussed how Chinatown has changed due to globalisation.
Provided some evidence from internet research or fieldwork data to support stand.

L3 (6 – 8 marks)

Make a stand.
Discussed in detail how Chinatown has changed due to globalisation.
Provided clear evidence using internet research and fieldwork data to support stand.
Attempted to discuss possible counter arguments.

Group Reflection = 4 marks

L1 (0 – 2 marks)
Description of problems.
No/ Little mention of solution.

L2 (3 - 4 marks)
Clear description of problems encountered.
Clear indication of solution to problems and discussed how data may have been affected by problem.

(+2 bonus marks for top 2 groups with more clear and entertaining presentation modes)

Total: 14 marks

Due : Week 6 Term 1 (10 Feb 2012)

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